These Japanese concepts have literally changed the way I think.
Here are a few eye openers that will transform the way you think and react, going forward in this new year.
1. Ikigai - give your life meaning. Discover your purpose.
☑️ Understand the reason you wake up each morning.
☑️ Choose something that aligns with your strengths and the needs of the world, to become successful in whatever you do.
2. Shikita ga nai - don’t try to control the uncontrollable.
✖️Don’t drain your energy on things that you can’t change.
3. Gaman - have a strong hold on your emotions.
▶️ Patience, resilience, and self-control develop emotional maturity and give the strength to preserve your dignity even in the toughest situations.
4. Oubaitori - respect the fact that everyone has their own timeline and path. Don’t compare.
5. Kaizen - Be a self-learner and always seek to improve in all areas of life.
✔️There’s a saying, “when a student is ready, the teacher will appear, and when a student is truly ready, the teacher will disappear”.
whatever disappears, have faith that you have become capable of facing it and that you have the courage to create new beginnings for yourself.